Real Culprits Appear as the Champions of Womens Rights!
Yes, Islam has not given women rights, according to the West’s standards. Islam does not even considers these as "rights" but a mere deception of rights.
Their so-called rights are cheap devices to drag women out of the safety of their homes into public life, to rub shoulders with men, to satisfy the cravings and lusts of evil men and to be properly exploited by men. These depraved men take pleasure when women appear semi-clad in public, deprived of their dignity and stripped of their honour and respect. All kinds of ruses are used in order for women to shed more of their clothing (and modesty) to delight these lecherous men.
Beauty contests, fashion parades, movies, theatre, art ... these are some of the many devices used to achieve this aim. Poor women! they hardly understand the game being played with them. They become willing partners in their own slaughter! This is precisely what Islam never wants for women.
Islam is the only "obstruction" in their evil designs. So, Islam is quickly labeled as being backwards, repressive and an opponent of women’s rights. It is an ironic tragedy that the very saviour of women’s rights has been labeled as the enemy, while the real culprits are hailed as the champions of women’s rights!
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