
Fundamentals Quiz

How to do the Quiz

This is a multiple choice test. Please select the best possible answer for each question.

Q 1. What is the official name of the religion practiced by Muslims?

(a) Mohammedanism
(b) Deen-e-Ibrahimi(Abraham’s religion)
(c) Islam
(d) deen-e-fitrah (natural religion)

Q 2. What type of religion is Islam?

(a) polytheism
(b) worship of Muhammad
(c) Kaaba worship
(d) monotheism

Q 3. What is the chief ‘Pillar of Belief’ in Islam?

(a) Prayers
(b) Belief in Oneness of God
(c) Belief in Life after Death
(d) Belief in Supernatural

Q 4. How many items of Islamic Belief system are called "pillars’ of belief?

(a) one
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 3

Q 5. Is belief in the Hereafter a part of the Islamic Belief system?

(a) essential
(b) optional
(c) desirable
(d) no

Q 6. Should a Muslim believe in all Prophets or only in Muhammad?

(a) all known or unknown prophets of God
(b) only the Semitic prophets
(c) only Muhammad
(d) Biblical Prophets

Q 7. Are Muslims required to believe in angels?

(a) archangels only
(b) all innumerable angels
(c) not necessary
(d) selectively

Q 8. Should a Muslim believe in Revealed Books?

(a) all
(b) only Torah and Gospel
(c) only Quran
(d) optional

Q 9. In what Islamic month is fasting obligatory?

(a) Zul-Hijjah (the pilgrimage month)
(b) Ramadan (the 9th month)
(c) Muharram (the 1st month)
(d) may fast in any month

Q 10. What is the rate of Zakat to be given yearly to the poor? (on accumulated wealth by end of each year)

(a) 10 %
(b) 5 %
(c) 2.5 %
(d) 7.5 %

Q.11. Is pilgrimage to Mecca essential for all Muslims?

(a) all
(b) only those who can afford
(c) on men only
(d) on residents of Saudi Arabia only

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